disco in the desert tickets.
april 22-24 | yucca valley, ca
POSTPONED: Due to some permitting restrictions, we will be postponing this event to a later date: TBD.
Dear Listeners,
Our mission is to bring love into the world through music, mindfulness, creativity, movement, and community. The resources generated by Listen events fuel the curation of deeper and richer experiences to share the love with more people. We sincerely thank you for your contribution and participation in this community!
With Love,
The Listen Family
P.S. If you landed here and want more info about this event, please check out the event page here :)
Ticket prices are set at our suggested donation amount to help keep these events sustainable. If you would like to contribute another amount, please reach out to us :) We are also welcoming contributions to this event in the form of art, experience facilitation, and other offerings. If you would like to offer an energy exchange instead of financial exchange, please email us.